Let's Talk Abbotsford is the City of Abbotsford's online engagement portal where you can share your opinions, ideas and give feedback on projects that matter to you!
We're updating Abbotsford's OCP
To accommodate growth in the coming decades, Abbotsford ...
An Official Community Plan (OCP) is one of the City’s most important tools. It helps influence...
The City of Abbotsford is developing a Sport Field and Sport Court Strategy th...
The City of Abbotsford is constructing new permanent washrooms in Swensson Park, which will re...
The City of Abbotsford is planning to construct a new splash pad at Crossley Park next to the ...
The City of Abbotsford is planning a new neighbourhood park in the Townline neighbourhood to s...
Our urban forests play an important role in our community to keep the city beautiful, help to ...
The City of Abbotsford is planning to revitalize Gilmour Neighbourhood Park in the Marshall-Mc...
The City of Abbotsford is planning to construct a new neighbourhood park in the West Abbotsfor...
The City of Abbotsford is conducting a review and analysis of the Aquatics services and infras...
Culture programs, services and resources are essential to a vibrant and healthy community. As ...
The City of Abbotsford is developing a comprehensive long-term plan for Mill Lake Park to prov...
We're making improvements at Mt Lehman Road & Downes Road.
Proposed Improvements
As part of the Historic Downtown Neighbourhood Plan to create a vibrant community and revitali...
The City of Abbotsford is pursuing improvements to the Old Yale Road corridor between McMillan...
Planning is underway for the Highstreet Transit Exchange. The need for a transit exchange in t...
The Fishtrap Creek watershed is located in the southwest portion of the City, running west bey...
In January 2017, Abbotsford and Mission began a water source supply study to explore options f...
The City of Abbotsford is in the process of developing an Accessibility Plan that will identif...
Transit Exchange Opening Date & Information
The new Montrose Transit Exchange on Mon...
Windsor Street is a two-way two-lane Urban Industrial classified road in the ...